Saturday, November 18, 2017

Self Care

It has been a long time since I wrote anything here.  For quite a while, my brain hasn't seemed capable of doing any creative thinking.  I haven't daydreamed in ages. I feel so much joy when my brain chews on things, speculating, analyzing, reformulating ideas.  It is a kind of intelligence that I value in myself.  But for last... huh, I can't remember for how long, my brain has been has been in a standstill.  I have been coping.  Which means lots of coffee, lots of sugar, pain, exhaustion, low emotional response, self degradation. I don't know why these chapters happen and not really sure how to get out of them.  I was saying awful things to myself for a while, then I increased the dosage of my anti-depressant and that has abated.
  Last year, I wrote gratitude every day on social media and it was so uplifting to my soul. And this year, I couldn't even begin to start. I had forgotten all about it until I read someone else's posting and though I thought about making my own, I did not.
I suppose I could call this depression, though I am not sure I want to.  A label makes it seem like it is the same thing for everyone, easily identifiable. I don't want to sound like I am the only one with this condition, nor do I seek pity. Instead, I want to identify where I am at this moment. Sometimes it is like moving through a swamp that is chest deep. My wishing will not get me through it any faster or easier, only my effort.  And some days I don't get very far or even sink deeper.  And it also doesn't mean that there isn't a swamp on the other side that I will have to get through again.
  I have some things in place that help me.  I am on medication. I have good friends that I trust. I am signed up with an on line exercise class that I can use.  I have scheduled regular massage.
It is daunting when I think of how far I have to go. So instead I want to think of each step. Grateful that I can take that step. I can breathe deeply, center myself and try again. There really is no success or failure.  It is not a black and white thing.
So I set an intention for the day...I  breathe deeply, filling my lungs with clean air. I move gently and with purpose.  I feed my body nourishing food and water. I am present.