Sunday, April 17, 2022

Contemplation of division and derision

 I think we are having global growing pains.  Actually, I have no idea what the rest of the world is facing in regard to the response to Covid-19.  I used to hear about people dying. That might be a non-issue here in the United States.  People are still dying, but I think maybe we just don't care.  Hospitals are full (again).  People are screaming "Get vaccinate!" while others scream back "You can't tell me what to do!" People are willing to ridicule and shame those with whom they disagree.  It is baffling.

Weave in societal pressure about how people can protest (do not lose control is the takeaway) and the definition of life no matter what and the conclusion that our climate is indeed changing, and we will all have to get on board to make personal sacrifices to slow it down, let alone reverse it and we are in a pickle.

"Don't tell me what to do."  I think I can safely say we have all felt this at some point or other. "Tell me what I can do to help." is equally well known. Traversing the landscape between these two points feels fraught with danger.  The ever-slippery slope.

The most comfortable thing is to draw those who think like you/me/us closer and closer so that the world is a known place. It is reassuring in this space of familiar thought. We draw the line in the sand and unless you believe what I believe, you are wrong and deserve the consequences you face. Darwin Awards come to mind. Have a good laugh at those who suffer because of the choices they make.

And it increases the distance between us and them making it ever more difficult to come together. Mockery. Vindictiveness. Hatred. What are the consequences of that?

Initially written, but not posted September 27, 2021

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