Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter refresh

 Today is Easter. While I am not a practicing Christian, I have to acknowledge the lessons I learned from that faith. Love one another is a big one. For me, Easter is renewal, a way to hit refresh if you will. I was thinking about all of the horrible things that were happening leading up to Christ's crucifixion. Humans are capable of some really atrocious behaviors. It is hard for me to sit with the idea of forgiveness and the amount of compassion that would take. It is actually unfathomable. But people do it, even in my lifetime.

Today, I push reset. I will work toward being more loving and forgiving of myself, so that I may be more loving and forgiving of others.

I had a moment the other day where I felt the impact of the gift of my life. I don't really know how to explain it. I often take life, my life in particular, for granted. There have been many instances that I either wanted it to end or that I would do nothing to fight for it if it came down to that. Not all that long ago, I decided that I wanted to live my life, really live it, be awake for it. And then the other day, I saw that this life is a gift that not every carbon-based life form gets to experience. I heard what I was supposed to do with this gift - Just Do Good Things. That is it. The huge life lesson I have been waiting for.

Just Do Good Things.

I haven't always. I do not expect I always will. But I can always try. When I fall short, I can make amends the best I am able and try again.

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